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West Fjords a Culinary Journey

4,390 ISK

Höfundur Guðlaug Jónsdóttir, Karl Kristján Ásgeirsson

West Fjords a culinary journey is an invitation to a feast at the westernmost edge of Europe, where the emphasis is on seasonal food and regional heritage. This unique cook book is much more than a collection of recipes: it's an exploration of the nature, culture and rich culinary history of Iceland's spectacular West Fjords. The book is divided into twelve chapters, one for every month of the year. Each chapter contains a wealth of recipes featuring traditional foods and local ingredients, with stunning photographs by Ágúst Atlason. The authors, husband-and-wife chefs Guðlaug Jónsdóttir and Karl Kristján Ásgeirsson from Ísafjörður, combine age-old traditions and lore with inspiring new ideas and techniques for the modern kitchen. West Fjords is a fascinating, beautifully written book that will appeal to all those interested in cooking and culinary traditions.